Donate is free, but there are costs associated with keeping alive and well! If you feel so inclined, we accept donations of any size. Please help if you can.

Select Donation Level

* A $50 donation (or more) gets you a GD Radio T-Shirt!

* A $100.00 donation gets you a GD Radio T-shirt and a 20th anniversary beanie!

* A $365 ($1 a day!) donation gets you a very special gdradio 'care package' that contains ALL of the premiums and much more as a thank-you gift!

Or, make it a monthly thing!
(an automatic monthly payment will be made from   You can cancel at any time.)

We are now on VENMO and PATREON too! Become a Patron!

Want to pay by check? No problem.

If you'd like to send a check, please make it out to John Whalen c/o GDRADIO
mailing address:
John Whalen / GDRADIO.NET
117 Waterhole Road
East Hampton, CT  06424


Thank you!!!

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Tuesdays 9pm EST
Mondays 9am and 9pm EST, Thursdays 10pm EST